Well, I have a
comment from someone other than my girlfriend again. This is big news around here. It seems that someone picked up on an offhand, fairly negative comment I made about someone else's site - a site I'd found by hitting the "next blog" button top right.
This was something I used to do a lot of, back before my old computer died. Now I use a dead man's computer, and to tell you the truth I hardly ever surf anymore because it's just so frustrating when the thing keeps crashing all the time. Who's got all the good blogs these days? Fuck if I know. Maybe the one I'd dismissed is now a repository of spectral wisdom. I don't even know what's going on in my blogroll anymore. I do know there's at least one dead link, and it'll stay there because it was glittering genius when it was around.
You know that part in Hamlet where he kills Polonius and resigns himself basically immediately to the fact that he's going to be made to answer for the death, that the heavens have punished him with Polonius and Polonius with him? The moment he accepts his fate, he finally sets himself free to act. Almost the next words out of his mouth are that he's going to have Rozencrantz and Guildenstern meet an accident. It's just a fleeting thought, but in that instant his two friends are doomed. Then he starts talking shit about the guy he just made a corpse out of!
I did this thing, so let me try to be as clear as I can while acknowledging that there's no way to write my way out of it.
I don't dislike blogs like Overworked & Underfucked because I think they're badly written or not entertaining or misinformed or whatever. I despise the ethos of which they are a part. I despise a world in which it's okay, laudable even, to write an anonymous blog about the people you're having sex with and the way you have sex with them, while keeping it secret from them.
I understand that much of the western world is not in agreement with me on this. I also expect that many enjoy reading cutesy lists about sexy subjects that get passed along cool-hunting blogrolls. I read the thing for awhile, too, so I'm a hypocrite. But that's me. This is
my anonymity.
And I do accept that it was probably mean of me to single out one particular blog of a type of which there are so many. I should know better than just to assume that since noone is reading my blog I can say whatever I like.
But it's too late to take it back. Heaven has punished me with you, Sergei C., and you with me.
And the worst of it is that no matter how much I might want to be Hamlet here, and the Overworked person to be Gertrude and this guy to be Rosencrantz, the truth is that I was hiding behind a curtain and just couldn't keep my big fat mouth shut.
Addy's top left. Come and get em.
EDIT: I never would have known if all this hadn't happened, but there's apparently some kind of shipwreck in my code that removes the comments link if you choose a specific post. That's why sergei was able to get through but a lot of haters weren't. I apologize for this, but in a sense it probably saved me from having a heart attack. You can post comments. You just have to click on the blog title and lo and behold it'll invite you to "wheedle." I might fix this glitch. I might not. It sort of means you have to work harder for it.