Monday, September 12, 2005

smokin' weed and makin' MONNAAAYYY!!!

I slept in really late this morning. Having lots and lots of really mindblowing sex with someone you love and trust will do that. Now I'm going to turn off my computer and go outside, walk up some winding stairs leading through an autumnally lush green river valley, have breakfast where they make the best vegan pancakes in the city, and linger over the arts weeklies that are staffed by people who can write almost as well as I do. Then later I'll go work at my unbelievably easy and well-paying job.

Tomorrow I'll probably practise with the most talented songwriter in Edmonton. Then more easy, remunerative work - unless I use a sick day and go see the Electric Six play at the bar that's three blocks from my apartment. Life is rich with possibilities.
