Wednesday, July 27, 2005

raise high the boom cylinder, waste handler operators

Tonight's jammy session thing (I think Henry Rollins or somebody said that you should call your band sessions "practises", and I don't put any stock in him, but it makes sense) was pretty good. In fact it was the first real time Greg and I made sounds that I would have been happy to have people hear.

I don't care how good a musician you are. Or your friends. Or what ever kind of chemistry you have with them, in either sense of that word. When you get your little musical outfit together, it is going to take you at least three months to get to the point where your level of suck is not turned up full blast every moment you are playing.

Greg and I are past that now. We still suck, but it's finally down to intermittent. Which means every once in awhile we are capable of playing something that almost sounds like something you might like if you don't know anything about music.

To get to the point where people who do know things about music like some of what you play takes a year. And talent and luck and work, but mostly a year. Longer for different kinds of music, but for our kind, a year.

I've decided to keep my paragraphs short. This is part of a strategy to gain readership for this blog, to which I now post twice a month. It won't work.

Another strategy I'm going to use is to end every post with a question. That won't work either.

I don't even care, actually.

Fuck you too.

I am going to take a vacation now. I haven't ever had one before. I've been unemployed, sure. Though not for awhile.

I will vacation, next week. I will vacation and try not to entertain paranoid fantasies about accidentally backing the loader over a tip floor labourer who got behind me at the wrong time. I will vacation and try to forget the giant dent in the loader's bucket that I don't even remember putting there, though I apparently did. Put it there.

I will vacation as hard as I fucking can. And when it's over I'll still have a week I can take later this year.

Come on. Someone out there has to be jealous. It's better than jail, right?