Thursday, May 05, 2005

not panicking.

Got the two hundred. Roommate guy exists. He's on workman's comp or something, so his part of rent will be third party cheque also. Gyllenhaal's working under the table at the KIS club, although frankly unless he's dealing himself there's no way he can make his restitution deadline. Plus he hasn't been in anything good onscreen in years.

I realize that chances are good I'm the only one who cares about this, and any readers I've managed to accumulate are waiting for me to drop it. I also realize I sound like a greedy landlord. In response to the first self-levelled charge, suck it, self. You have no readers. In response to the second, I'm pretty financially desperate at the moment. When things get regular I can go back to being the coolest landlord ever. Right now I need to be prepared to bring a little meat to this weenie roast.

In the next ten days I get: 1) paid from work, 2) full upstairs rent, 3) full downstairs rent. That will be enough for me to sort out some major debts I've been sluffing for too long, a couple of them for the last time since we have no power or gas bill to pay anymore. It won't be enough to make me totally solvent, but you know how when you're living really close to the bone, your clothes just sort of hang wrong? That will stop happening.

Things are still a little less stable than I'd like. But it does appear yesterday's post may have been a slight overreaction.

Anyways, my girlfriend wants to go for a walk or something. Ah, the inconvenient joys of downtown living.