Monday, April 25, 2005

go on take everything take everything i want you to

The morning sits and spits on the griddle, my girlfriend performing her pre-work ablutions as I sit here letting another hour wane. I go soon to practise songs, which I should probably be trying to remember right now so I don't look like a fool. I also have this damned car that I need to get registered and go and get, but I don't have money enough to even do that right now. Two days ago I got a damage deposit for the basement. It's almost gone - what the hell happened?

My sister waits patiently for me to return her car. She needs it for a day so the other one's windshield wiper motor can be repaired. It's dangerous to drive it in the rain. But every day it's sunny, gorgeous, the grass is being bleached and the streets are pools of dust and tight cotton. Every day I wonder when it will storm, but it hasn't yet. How far can I push her generosity?

My house is threatening to turn into a huge stress hairball. I think I've made the mistake of being too nice to my tenants just because they're cool kids and not idiots like I've rented to before. I think they're beginning to think they can take advantage of me. And they're right. I'm a total pushover as a landlord. I suck at it. I should've just sold the house. Maybe it's not too late.

Basically my life is out of control. I'm lucky I don't smoke pot anymore or I would be fuct. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go spend half of everything I have left in the world on a pack of smokes.