Monday, February 28, 2005

Posts... becoming...more... infrequent...

My throat is sore. It's quite aggravating. I had a dream last night about smoking a cigarette. I haven't for six days. When is my throat supposed to improve?

Aha, unless the cause is some other. My cat is shedding. I pet him and my hand comes away a matted ball. He Who Is Nemesis may actually truly be poisoning me simply by virtue of proximity; perhaps he's one of those "frenemies" everyone seems to have these days.

Or perhaps it is reflux. Do I drink too much coffee? Too much alcohol? Should I elevate my head when I'm sleeping? Would telephone books be enough for that, or should I get some granite blocks? Do I eat too late in the day? You have to eat quite late when you work twelves.

Oh God, it's work! I work in an environment festooned with all kinds of bacteria. Those giant rotating drums puke out all kinds of pathogens. I must have a sinus infection. It doesn't feel like strep - not painful enough. Jesus, maybe I have tonsillitis.

Or, it's midwinter. The dryness of the air must be affecting me. A humidifier in the bedroom, that's the ticket. More water.

Lord in heaven don't let it be a tumor.