Wednesday, February 09, 2005

"next blog>>" button pays off again

I suppose it's not as strange or exciting as meeting the guy on the street, say, out shopping for panties for his daughter in nokomis, but it's still kind of freaky. And doesn't it make sense that he would have one? He also seems to be a fairly frequent contributor; hope he's not using it as an excuse not to exercise.

Ah well, the suspense is killing you: it's Bill Clinton's Daily Diary! Do visit him there, and kindly leave a comment. Guy seems to be as hard-up for traffic as I am.


Addendum: I've noticed that quite a few of you bloggers have edited out the code for the "next blog>>" button from your template. Please don't. It's really quite annoying. An interesting person you may be, but you're not the signpost at the end of the universe. If it's good enough for an ex-president, it ought to be good enough for you.