Wednesday, February 16, 2005

everything's natural

“(Carbon dioxide is) plant food, it’s a natural part of the atmosphere.”

- Carleton University geologist Tim Patterson, one of a handful of scientists across Canada who have become known as outspoken critics of the Kyoto protocol.

Happy Kyoto Accord Day, everyone. It starts today. Did you know that?

Human activity may bear a relatively small percentage of responsibility for recent global warming trends, it's true. But when you say that, it is not the same as saying that human activity has no effect on global warming and therefore we should just go ahead and let our cars idle all the time. The planet is a delicate balance, all things considered. It doesn't take much to push it off into some new direction. There's a lot of fucking planets out there, and not too many of them work.

By the way, carbon dioxide is toxic when inhaled in concentrations higher than 5% volume. Nice for plants. Bad for humans. Science is complicated, isn't it?