Saturday, December 18, 2004

Blog Explosion, you changed my life!

Dunt dunt daah, doot doot de dooby dooby dunt dunt dannant DAAAHHH!


I wish you could have a practise blog, where you figure it all out before you fucking publish it. Kinda seems like I might be a ripe candidate for such a fate as this little diatribe describes since I feature occasionally profane language and plus there's that weird and wacky title I use, so maybe I'll just beat them to the punch. There's other ways to go.

Least BlogSnob turned me down flat from the start. These guys apparently have a history of, oh let's call it less transparent behaviour.

Hee hee. I'm so textbook. My only defense is that I don't really want to be famous, I just want to start connecting. With even just a few. So a "brother in cluelessness" I may be, but I never pretended differently. And it did cross my mind as I saw about the sixth pure-advertisement blog sit on my screen for those interminably long thirty seconds you have to give of your surfing time in order to gain credits that hey, I wonder if this really means anything. Turns out it doesn't.

You can apparently get this handy little button:

But I'm just going to put it here and be done with it. Especially since it's not like the origin of this little boycott doesn't house a truckload of complete batshit. Call it shame, call it a fart-and-run. The whole thing never happened. Hello, blogwise?