Thursday, November 25, 2004

"sorry everybody" is now to 2004 what "severed penis" was to 1993

The Barbara Kay thing has been affecting me lately, and so I've started seeing a certain phrase pop up over and over again. In fact, I typed "self loathing sorry everybody" into google, and it picked up 82,800 hits. Now, there's gonna obviously be a lot of bad teenage poetry and other dross in a net that wide, but scrolling through for a dozen pages or so I saw that about every third or fourth one was a reference to that site. So I tried "self loathing" and still got 138.

Scuse the language, but what the fuck? Is this now the party line in blogsville? Hundreds of people post pictures reminding the rest of the world that there's Americans who are just as angry with their government as they are, some of which are actually pretty funny, and now those people loathe themselves?

Pretty fucking strong language. I guess either you hop on board the fuck-the-world boat or start seeing a shrink. Maybe we all should go see one; then we can ask her the definition of the word megalomania.